This has brought with it a new type of payment service providers, financial aggregators , which allow all the financial products of a person to be unified in a b2c email list application and to operate on them. What is a financial aggregator? Financial aggregators are services that make it possible to unify in a single application the financial products that a client has contracted in different banks (accounts, cards, deposits, funds,...), having aggregated information that comes from the different entities and allowing to operate with she. This, in addition to ease of operation, allows greater control over expenses, income and the global position in the products contracted in different banking entities. We can differentiate two types b2c email list financial aggregators : Payment Initiation Services (PIS) : They allow payments to be made securely online from an application, regardless of the bank where the account with which we want to operate is located.
Account Information Services (AIS) : These are services that allow us to have the aggregate information of all our banks and products in a single application. Advantages of financial aggregators Financial aggregators offer different advantages for users, companies and financial institutions: It allows users and companies to have greater control and management of accounts, by having centralized information b2c email list is easier and faster to access. It allows having b2c email list a detailed control of all the expenses, income and positions in the different products (some aggregators facilitate the grouping of the expenses by different concepts). It allows optimizing costs of operations and services , since, for example, intermediaries b2c email list eliminated, they allow comparing information from different entities or the activation of alerts for commission charges, maturities,... Merchants will be able to offer new channels and additional forms of payment to their customers.
For Banking, it also provides important advantages. These may have, through their own aggregators, the information on products and services of their clients in other banking entities; the global financial situation, and the type of operation. This will provide entities with key information on the b2c email list profile of their clients and companies ; and will allow them to offer their customers new products and services. financial aggregators In this line, we are working and collaborating in the implementation of various value-added services for banks and their customers, such as the online direct debit exchange, which allows an entity to retain its customers by facilitating, with practically no need to contribute b2c email list information, transfer to your account in the same the direct debits you have in other entities. Security in financial aggregators One of the big questions that arise around mobile applications is the security of these and the data we share.