On the one hand, he deeply explores the world of the legendary Beijing underground city. On the surface, it is a food classic, but in fact it writes about the power greed of those in power in Beijing as the capital of goodness, the turbulent alternation of supreme power, and the horror of the secret operation of the totalitarian state, which is fascinating and irresistible. Is there art in Britain?" I was asked in a public lecture when I was researching the "History of British Art". Indeed, the Western artists whose names Taiwanese audiences can name are usually from France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the United States (you probably know what names I'm referring to).
This is of course not whatsapp database a one-sided problem for Taiwanese audiences; when opening a book on "Western Art History", British artists usually take up very little space. In the general history of art, it is also a commonplace to say that the British school of painting lags behind other schools of painting in Europe. This article does not attempt to clarify the ins and outs of these established impressions, but merely to pick an example of how British art is talked about in general art history books. An example of this is the rather authoritative general history of art, The Story of Art by EH Gombrich (1909-2001). Although the original English work was first published in 1950, and it was written for young readers in the English-speaking world, it has been translated into multiple languages and republished continuously. .
As a primer on art history, its popularity is probably unrivaled. The Story of Art has 28 chapters, from prehistoric times to the middle of the 20th century. The name of an English artist appears for the first time in Chapter 18, "The Crisis of Art: Europe, Late Sixteenth Century", but only a short passage mentions "the famous English master Nicholas Hilliard (1549-1619)" ), painted around 1590 AD, is a small portrait of a young nobleman of the Elizabethan dynasty, which best illustrates the idea of this type of typical new portraiture.”[1] [Figure 1] nicholas-hilliard-young-man-among-roses- Photo Credit: